HomeRate Alerts

Rate Alerts

Now Your Don’t Have to Miss Your Favourable Exchange Rates!
With our Rate Alerts service now you will never miss out on your favourable market conditions. We understand that in trading correct timing and precision is everything, therefore our Rate Alerts will keep you up-to-date regarding every significant currency market movement. We will monitor the market so you can make an informed decision.
Rate Alerts

Linea Global

Why Choose Us?

Make the Most of Market Opportunities

Tailored Services

Select your preferences for currency and rates and get notified to stay ahead.

Keep Track

Stay informed to take right decisions timely for your personal transactions or business operations.

Minimise Opportunity

Capitalise on favourable exchange rates to make the most profit.

Time Saving

It is quite complicated to monitor market rates manually, therefore we do it for you.

Key Points

Stay Informed About Market Changes

  • Reduce risk of missing out on the advantageous rates.
  • Stay informed of the adverse market movements.
  • You can customise your alerts as per your preferences.
  • Market alerts help you take better decisions and plan ahead effectively.

Plus peace of mind that your money is safe and secure, with our 100% Security Guarantee.

Money Exchanger
help center

Frequently asked questions

Yes, you can keep track of your transfers throughout the process.

We accept Mastercard debit cards, Visa Cards and Bank Transfers for payments.

Our registration process is very simple and takes a few minutes. Open the registration form, fill in all the information carefully and submit it. Shortly after submission, our team will contact you. For more information, feel free to contact us.

The currency market is not so easy to understand, and exchange rates can vary a lot in a short time, so to navigate through it all, it is always better to rely on a company offering trusted exchange. We offer a multitude of products to help you manage all your foreign transactions seamlessly.

Ready to get started?